Donald Barickman, who developed this crowd-pleasing recipe, cooks the salmon over a homemade barbecue pit, but you can use a large gas or charcoal grill....
This recipe is a brilliant way to work both greens and fish into your repertoire. The key player is gremolata, an uncooked green sauce; here made with...
Spicy. Tangy. Creamy. Crispy, flaky fish filled tacos. These fantastic Fish Tacos with Baja Cream Sauce are absolutely perfect for a quick weeknight dinner...
Familiar ingredients come together in an unexpected way in a stew ofblack cod, tomato, andsaffron; scallions, dried currants, and almonds add fragrance...
In this dish, tofu shows its smoky side and grilled shrimp takes on the spicy and sweet flavors of honey, sambal oelek, garlic, and ginger. Serve with...
When the shrimper gets your shrimp for ya, use it all. There's nothing like it. Included here is a recipe for shrimp stock so that every morsel of shrimp...
In this easy pasta course, chorizo -- a cured-pork sausage seasoned with chili powder and paprika -- is a lively complement to cooked oysters and a refreshing...
Crushed black pepper and red-chile flakes kick-start a fragrant, salty clam broth. The robust flavor of clams thrives on heat and spice, with pasta and...
Chef and cookbook author Madhur Jaffrey shares this simple yet impressive Bengali dish known as "chingri bhapey." The shrimp is delicately spiced with...
Provençal bouillabaisse meets New England seafood stew in this brothy dish that features meaty clams and tender white fish. Carrots, fennel, and cherry...
Any firm-fleshed white fish is the perfect vehicle for this deep-flavored, earthy sauce; you can also try it with fresh sea scallops. If you don't want...
This light and flavorful shrimp dish from "Martha Stewart's Dinner at Home" anchors an easy-to-make spring meal of Asparagus-Parmesan Tart and Apricot-Almond...
Flaked salmon and black beans, which make up the bulk of salmon cakes, are both good sources of calcium. The cakes are coated in a spicy bread-crumb mixture...
So many of us were warned as children that fish bones could kill you. Yet what a memorable, if not altogether safe, impression an entire fish makes at...
This quick, clever meal is just right for those nights when you need a pantry-friendly dinner on the table really fast. It's a sushi-inspired spin on tuna...
Salmon steaks are brushed generously with a homemade barbecue sauce, then grilled. They are served on top of brown-rice pilaf, which is flavored with white...
The flavors of Thailand inspire this delectable sub sandwich. Fried shallots lend the sandwiches extra crunch-and even better, you can fry the fish in...
A couple spoonfuls of miso deliver big flavor to steamed salmon, asparagus, and carrots in this healthy weeknight supper. The fish and vegetables are served...
The cabbage and potatoes go into the oven first in this sheet-pan supper. A meaty salmon fillet flavored with mustard, horseradish, and lemon zest is then...
Roasting a side of salmon is a quick, simple way to feed a group. Use tweezers or small pliers to remove any remaining pin bones your fishmonger may have...